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PBSC & BOS Minutes 6-9-08
Minutes of the special meeting of the Public Building and Site Commission and Board of Selectmen held on Monday, June 9, 2008 in the Conference Room, 31 Pecks Lane, Newtown. CT. First Selectman Borst called the meeting to order at 12:05 p.m.

Present: First Selectman Joseph Borst, Selectman Herb Rosenthal, Public Building and Site Commission Chairman William Furrier (12:10), and members Thomas Catalina and Robert Mitchell.  ABSENT: Selectman Paul Mangiafico, Public Building and Site Commission members Anthony D’Angelo, James Juliano, Robert Mulholland, Peter Samoskevich, Craig Asnman, and John Cunningham.

Also Present: Public Works Director Fred Hurley, Land Use Agency Director George Benson, O&G representatives Jeff Cugno and Brian Holmes, Tai Soo Kim representatives Whit Engehart and Gerry Waters, BVH Engineer Alan Aldag, Board of Education IT Director Carmella Amodeo, Town of Newtown GIS Coordinator Scott Sharlow, four members of public, one member of press.

Review with O&G and Tai Soo Kim the specifications for bid documents for the proposed Town Hall project at Fairfield Hills.

Ms. Amodeo addressed her concerns regarding technology. She would like the PC controller running the network for lighting to be in the server area. She said that the type of copier that is needed is a NEMA Type 520 for the Board of Ed. Mr. Sharlow said that the Town has a different type of copier. Ms. Amodeo said that communications outlets are listed as being in the floor plates but not in the wall plates. Also she noted that a four hour run for UPS is not listed. Mr. Aldag said that is code so it is not listed in the specs. Also she noted that there is no rating listed. Fax wiring is listed as RJ 11 and should be RJ 45. This was listed as running on category three and should be category five. There is low video by an outlet and the ceiling outlet needs to be able to take data.

Mr. Sharlow said that there is only one RJ 45 and he does not know which one the Town data is run on; Tai Soo Kim with check. Ms. Amodeo said that for the telephone system, power over the internet panels only are listed. For the IP hybrid system, voice over IP is listed. Tai Soo Kim will look into this.

Mr. Cugno asked if the specs will be changed after the bids come in. Mr. Aldag said that the requested changes will be made now and that we plan to go out to bid by July 11.

Ms. Amodeo said that there is no provision for radios. Mr. Aldag said that it is not known where the antennae will go and how they will run. Mr. Sharlow said that radios must be coordinated and relocated from the present building for the bus system, Fire Marshal, Building and Health; this includes providing wiring. Also will there be separate antennae or only one?

Ms. Amodeo said that the UPS system will serve only the server room and will there be the ability to send circuits to the other areas such as Health and exterior termination closets? Mr. Sharlow said also Fire Marshal and Health need UPS systems. Ms. Amodeo did not see a rating for UPS; Mr. Aldag said that Health and Building will be on a generator. Mr. Cugno said that power will be coming in from two directions so that there should not be many problems with loss of power.

Mr. Sharlow spoke as the Town GIS Coordinator. He said that there are specs for Verizon and feels that this should be listed as a local phone company or utility; he does not think that Verizon provides service here. He asked if the intercom system will be separate; it will be separate from the phone system. He said that the departments have multiple lines and need to see when the lines are in use and who is using them. For recording cassette is specified and he feels that it should specify digital. Also needed are specs that say that the security motion detectors must not interfere with wireless communication. Mr. Borst asked if the sound circuitry in the Legislative Council chamber meets ADA requirements for vision and hearing. Ruby Johnson noted that fluorescent lights can interfere with the hearing system. There is a hearing system in the chamber but people will need to use individual devices.

Mr. Mitchell discussed his concerns (Attachment A). He noted that there are different dates on the maps and that they should be reconciled. He recommends that all wood be fire rated. Mr. Engehart said that this is not required by code but Mr. Mitchell still recommends it. Mr. Mitchell said that the roof notes on multiple sheets are conflicting. He said that the plans do not indicate whether we are removing sections of the roofs or patching them. He does not see how you can put ice damming devices and flashing without replacing the roof. The flashing notes conflict. He noted that a four hour spray is indicated for fireproofing and he feels that is too much. Mr. Aldag said that is for the vault. Mr. Mitchell said that sprinkler system locations should be away from electrical wiring in the basement. He asked if the elevator control room should be fire rated in the basement.

In the architectural sections, Mr. Mitchell said that the R value was not called out for the insulation and that no vapor barrier is called out. It should be noted whether the plans meet the Connecticut energy regulations. Are the sinks in the toilet areas ADA compliant? Also where was the existing woodwork top relocated from? Mr. Aldag said from the Town Clerk. Mr. Mitchell said that it should be checked whether the doors need to be fire rated. He asked why is there an electrical hot water heater when we have gas in the building. Mr. Aldag said that this is a high ejector pump in the building. Mr. Mitchell said that this seems to be similar to a sump. He said that the air conditioner and air handler manufacturer should be whoever the Town prefers.

Mr. Mitchell said there is a note “scupper by architect.” Does this mean Tai Soo Kim? Also if the roof is not replaced the notes must be coordinated to make sure the roof is water tight. Also verify thermostat locations.

Notes must be coordinated in the above matters because whichever trade goes in first will put them where you have them. Mr. Mitchell asked if site lighting is an add alternate? Mr. Aldag said that there is site lighting to meet requirements but some site lighting is an add.

Mr. Mitchell asked what the note “cut and patch waterproofing” means? Also “conduit in the space below.” That is a crawl space that may need cut and patch which must be noted if it does.

Mr. Mitchell said he expected much more detail in the drawings from Tai Soo Kim; this lack of detail can lead to change orders. Mr. Furrier said that change orders often result from ambiguity between the specs and the drawings. Mr. Mitchell said that the documents should give us a full completely operational building. Mr. Rosenthal said that this is a design building. O&G is the designer and builder and that Tai Soo Kim and O&G need to work together.

Mr. Mitchell said that the number of vendors should be pared down to three or equal. In some instances 26 are listed. Mr. Catalina will review the plans at another date.

Mr. Borst asked if the bid will include roof replacement or is this an add alternate. Mr. Aldag said that the existing roof is in the base bid and replacing it is an alternate. Mr. Borst asked if any analysis of the heating and cooling costs had been done. Mr. Aldag said that Tai Soo Kim was not asked to do an energy consumption review and did not do a quantitative analysis. They estimated what the heating and cooling levels would be and specked that out.

Mr. Rosenthal asked what more is needed to go out to bid. Mr. Cugno said we will make the changes requested by the Town on the specs. Designing the radon system and an update of the Phase I environmental study which Russell Bartley will provide are required by Bureau of School Facilities before we can go out to bid. Mr. Rosenthal asked if the bid will go out through the Town Finance Department or through O&G. Mr. Cugno said we have in the past gone through the Town and will do so again. O&G will handle the contracts.

Mr. Furrier said that the Public Building and Site Commission has not spent any time reviewing the parking and utility infrastructure and would like to do so. Mr. Rosenthal said that the infrastructure was not and may not be assigned to Public Building. Mr. Furrier asked if the parking and infrastructure have been engineered. Mr. Rosenthal said that the Fairfield Hills Authority and Public Works are doing this work. Mr. Furrier said that according to the Charter, Public Building should supervise the parking and infrastructure. Mr. Rosenthal disagreed and said that the Charter does not say “all” projects but that Public Building supervises projects assigned to it by either the Board of Selectmen or the Board of Education and that this is falso the opinion of the Town Attorney. He noted that the sewer was not supervised by Public Building. Mr. Furrier is of the opinion that the Charter says that Public Building will supervise all projects. He asked if the parking plans and utility infrastructure have fully engineered plans and cost estimates. Mr. Rosenthal said that the architects and engineers are working on this. Mr. Furrier said that for $10.1 million the building will have no utilities and that this building cannot be constructed without these items. Mr. Rosenthal said that this is the responsibility of the Board of Selectmen not Public Building and Site Commission.

Mr. Borst said that these issues will be addressed at another meeting.

ADJOURNMENT. Upon motion of Mr. Borst, the meeting adjourned at 1:05 p.m.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk

Newtown Town Offices
CD Set Comments
June 9, 2008
Public Building and Site Commission

General Notes
1.      Drawings have a variety of dates, October 16, 2007; November 16, 2007; May 16, 2008.   Drawings issued for construction should have the same date.
2.      Drawings in the set were not in sequence.
3.      C 1.3 – Site utilities noted as by Town or proposed.  How will final connections be made?
4.      A 1.4 – Note all wood to be fire retardant.
5.      A 1.6 – Verify notes on flashing to remain.  Other drawings call for it to be replaced or patched.  There should be a detail on the rake trim and attachment, how it meets existing sheathing, etc.  Areas where this is to be replaced are not consistent between drawings.  Coordinate with spec section 012300.
6.      A 1.7 - Verify flashing notes again.
7.      A 1.8 - Details do not match notes on plans – coordinate.  Existing gutter details need to be expanded and detailed.
8.      A 2.1 – Provide details on 4 hour fireproofing.  Is there a fire rated elevator control room?
9.      A 3.1 – Elevation notes do not match plan notes for trim replacement.
10.     A 4.1 – provide insulation thicknesses and R values for walls, roof.  Provide energy note on CT Energy code compliance.
11.     A 4.2 – Verify vapor barrier.
12.     A 7.1 – Verify that all toilets and lavs are ADA compliant.
13.     A 9.1 – Millwork is not the quality expected for use in a Town Hall.  Verify details and materials.  Elevations?
14.     A11.1 – The number of doors with fire ratings appears minimal.  Verify all fire wall locations and door/frame requirements.
15.     MEP 3.0 – Why are electric hot water heaters being used rather than gas or local instant on?
16.     MEP 3.2- Schedule shows 115 tons of AC.  This looks light, especially with the large volumes of the spaces.  Please verify.
17.     MEP 3.3 – Verify the quality standard of the light fixtures.
18.     P 1.4 – There should be coordinated notes on patching the roof with specific locations given.
19.     H 1.2 – Verify thermostat locations in large volume rooms and public access areas.
20.     HP 1.1 – Indicate insulation on HW and CW piping.
21.     EL 1.o – Verify extent of site lighting in the Add Alternate.
22.     EL 1.1 – Lighting does not match the A 2.1 RCP.
23.     EP 1.1 – Rewrite note 2 to be clear and definite. Smoke detector locations?
24.     EP 1.2 & EP 1.3 – What does note 2 mean?  Is the crawl space accessible or will the floor need to be cut and patched?